Development of a holistic footwear concept based on user-centred design and integrated self-management tools for elderly (60+)


Implementation period: 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2018

The project is carried out by an international consortium consisting of: the Polish Chamber of Shoe and Leather Industry (Poland), the Institute of Leather Industry (Poland), and Prüf-und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e.V. (Germany).

The project will produce guidelines for manufacturing footwear most closely complying with the requirements of users in the 60+ age group. The guidelines will include both the materials to be used in the footwear as well as the construction guaranteeing users maximum comfort of use and pleasant appearance. To develop the guidelines, the research will use the latest generation of materials, innovative polymer surface modification technologies, electronic microelements, as well as modern designing supporting the needs of a user in the target age group.

An automated lacing mechanism controlled via a smartphone application will also be developed.

The implementation of the project will be completed by developing prototype footwear to provide a starting point for footwear companies wishing to introduce a new product on the market.

All these will comprise a model of perfect footwear for people from the 60+ age group which will contribute to improving the quality of their life. Simultaneously, it will be possible to employ developed solutions in other types of footwear, e.g. sports shoes.

More information about the project: